Cestal Cat is recommended for the treatment and control of all common tapeworms and roundworm infestation in cats and kittens, including:
Ascarids: Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina (adults and immature forms), Ancylostoma Ancylostoma, Uncinaria stenocephala
Cestodes: Echinococcus multilocularis, Taenia spp., Dipylidium caninum (adults and immature forms)
The drug will be administered in single doses.
No diet is required.
For a general deworming a treatment is sufficient, but in case of a massive infestation it is recommended to repeat the dose after 14 days.
Due to the risk of reinfestation, the treatment should be repeated every 3-6 months.
BLISTER 8 chewable tablets
Cestal Cat is recommended for the treatment and control of all common tapeworms and roundworm infestation in cats and kittens, including:
Ascarids: Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina (adults and immature forms), Ancylostoma Ancylostoma, Uncinaria stenocephala
Cestodes: Echinococcus multilocularis, Taenia spp., Dipylidium caninum (adults and immature forms)
The drug will be administered in single doses.
No diet is required.
For a general deworming a treatment is sufficient, but in case of a massive infestation it is recommended to repeat the dose after 14 days.
Due to the risk of reinfestation, the treatment should be repeated every 3-6 months.
BLISTER 8 chewable tablets