Type a description for this product here... NEO CAF SPRAY-200 ML with Oxitetracycline hydrochloride 5 g and green malachite. Description: Neo CAF Spray is presented in the form of a metal bottle containing a suspension of oxitetracycline and green malachite. Composition: Spray with Oxitetracycline hydrochloride 5 g and green malachite. Indications: In cattle, sheep and pigs in the treatment of infections produced by germs susceptible to oxitetracycline. Mode of Action: Aerosol suspension for local use with bactericide action against numerous germs: · Gram negative and positive: F. Necrophorus, F. nodosus, C. pyogenes, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. responsible for and infections (pododermatitis), skin conditions (streptococcal and staphylococcal dermatitis). Dosage and Administration mode: · Spray for 1-2 seconds from 15-20 cm distance from the affected area until a uniform staining is obtained. · The dose is repeated at 12 hours. · To achieve better results, in case of and affections it is indicated: · To cleanse the foot of foreign materials, exwelded, necrotic doors · During the 24-hour treatment the animal should be kept on dry ground. Contraindications: · I'm not Storage: · At room temperature (15 – 25 º C) and in the dark. Presentation: · 200 ml vial.